Much of my work deals with feelings and relations between people, I´m inspired by humans and humanity.

Some of my work


Sederholm_Liten gubbe_2018.jpg


I use mostly wood at the moment, but also bronze, ceramics and metal-plate, or combinations of these.


I draw a lot, many things emerge and develop on paper. still one cannot call them sketches or plans, they are more of works in their own right.


'The DOG'

In addition to the human figure, I often use the dog as a means of expession.

Upcoming exhibitions

Galeria Toolbox, Berlin, opening 29.3.2024

Galleria Duetto, Helsinki, august 2024

I have found my place in the world. The sea and islands of the archipelago have always been important to me.

“Skulpturerna har alla osymmetriska, nästan absurda proportioner. Trots det eller därför finns det i dem en mänsklighet och en härlig humor som bär långt. Dessa tragikomiska varelser finns inom oss alla.”
— Emilia Siltavuori / Hufvudstadsbladet / 23.02.2007